November 28, 2017

Saving Money on Bakery Buns

Our family likes to make submarine sandwiches at home often.  We like to make them on bakery buns, but that can get expensive.  Recently I was at the store trying to find good ones, none looked too good, and they were pretty expensive.

Then I realized there was an easy way to save,  and get something that looked even better!  Instead of buying a package of rolls, I bought a package of two long narrow loaves of (not sure if it's French or Italian) bread.

It was easy to cut each into two or three sandwich buns, and a package cost half as much as the buns!  Hard to beat that!   You can also adjust  your potion sizes between different family members who want to eat different amounts.  Your store may not carry that kind, but most do have big French Bread loves or something of the like.

It can also be an fun and easy thing on which to make big subs.  You can see more about that in the post Party Sub Sandwiches - The Recipe from one of our old blogs.

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